Kingspan Insulation

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Kingspan is a global company and was founded in the 1960's by Eugene Murtagh from Co.Cavan Ireland. The company back then was manufacturing wheel barrows. Eugene seen an opportunity in the insulated composite roof panels and began the process of manufacturing the Kingspan Composite Insulated Roof Panels and Rigid Insulation. In 1989 Kingspan floated in the stock exchange for IR£20m. Kingpsan continued its drive into the UK and European and by 2010 Kingpsan seen its first growth in sales in 3 years due to the fall out of the 2008 crisis.


We also have Kingspan Insulation for sale on our sister site Insulation4less

Kingspan have also different forms of Polyiso insulation and the most popular range would be the Kooltherm range or also known as the K range. I will highlight each of these boards applications below. Currently Kingspan are market leaders in Floor insulation such as Kingspan TF70, K103, Styrozone N and Optim-R. For cavitywall insulation Kingspan have a range suited to this application called TW50, K108 and K12. For wall Insulation Kingsoan have a full range to suit such as TW55, K12, K15, K17, K18, Strozone N and Optim-R. For roof applcations on residential buildings Kingspan recommend using TP10, K&, K107 Plus, K10, K15, TR26, TR27, TR31, Strozone N and Optim-R. Also for external walls kingspan have a range called K105. This board is specifically designed for external wall applications and will allow you to render plaster over the material.


As out lined above there are many different applications whereby Kingspan have a solution. There is nowhere in a residential building whereby Kingspan Insulation cannot be used and if you can Kooltherm is the way to go. The Kingspan Kooltherm product range offers a higher thermal resistance than your standard PIR insulation's with a thermal resistance of 0.020 this product is the architects choice product of excellence when specifying what product to use in certain applications. However the down side to this is the Kooltherm product is about 30% more expensive than standard Pir with only a 10% increase in thermal resistance. So this product is not always practical to use in residential homes due to its cost. Where you see this product being used the most is in commercial buildings under construction as this product will give a better performance while not compromising on space. In commercial properties space is money so every m2 gained is money in the bank and Kingspan Kooltherm gives this option. Of course you will also see this product being used on oil rigs, hospitals, industrial buildings and many more as Kingspan Kooltherm offers a better fire resistance also than standard PIR.


Kingspan is a global company and was founded in the 1960's by Eugene Murtagh from Co.Cavan Ireland. The company back then was manufacturing wheel barrows. Eugene seen an opportunity in the insulated composite roof panels and began the process of manufacturing the Kingspan Composite Insulated Roof Panels and Rigid Insulation. In 1989 Kingspan floated in the stock exchange for IR£20m. Kingpsan continued its drive into the UK and European and by 2010 Kingpsan seen its first growth in sales in 3 years due to the fall out of the 2008 crisis.

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