External Barn Doors
Our range of external barn doors are the perfect way to add a touch of rustic charm to your home. Whether you're looking for a traditional sliding door or a more modern bi folding door, we have something to suit every taste. Our doors are made from high quality materials and come in a variety of styles and finishes, so you're sure to find the perfect one for your home. We also offer free delivery on all eligible orders, so you can be sure you are getting the best possible deal. So why not browse our selection today and find the perfect external barn door for your home?
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External Barn Doors | Barn Door | Exterior Door | Exterior Barn

External Barn Doors

External barn doors, commonly referred to as exterior barn doors or outdoor barn doors, enjoy significant popularity as a sought-after design feature in both residential and commercial structures. They take inspiration from the traditional barn doors employed in agricultural environments and have gained acclaim for their rustic allure and practical functionality.

These external barn doors fulfill a range of purposes, serving as gateways to outdoor areas such as patios, gardens, or sheds, while also providing a distinctive entrance for garages or outbuildings. Their aesthetic appeal possesses the ability to harmonize with diverse architectural styles, thus enriching the character and charm of your property.

Advantages of exterior sliding barn doors

There are several advantages to using exterior sliding barn doors. Here are some key benefits: 

Space-saving: Sliding barn doors operate by sliding along a track, which means they don't require the floor space that traditional swinging doors do. This makes them an excellent option for areas with limited space or tight corridors. 

Aesthetically pleasing: Exterior sliding barn doors add a rustic and charming touch to the overall appearance of a building. They can enhance the architectural style and create a visually appealing focal point.

Versatility: These doors can be customized to fit various architectural styles and designs. They come in a wide range of materials, including wood, metal, and glass, allowing you to choose a door that complements the overall aesthetic of your home or building.

Durability: Sliding barn doors are typically built to be sturdy and durable, making them suitable for exterior use. They are designed to withstand different weather conditions, such as rain, wind, and sunlight, ensuring long-lasting performance.

Easy operation: Sliding barn doors are effortless to operate. They glide smoothly along the track, requiring minimal effort to open or close. This ease of use is especially beneficial for individuals with mobility issues or when carrying items in and out of the building.

Energy efficiency: When properly installed and weather-sealed, sliding barn doors can provide excellent insulation. They can help to regulate the indoor temperature, keeping it comfortable and reducing energy consumption for heating or cooling. 

What is difference between interior barn door and exterior barn doors?

The primary distinction between interior barn doors and exterior barn doors lies in their intended use and construction. Here are the key differences: 

Intended Use: Interior barn doors are primarily employed to divide rooms within a building, such as bedrooms, bathrooms, or closets. They offer privacy, reduce noise, visually separate spaces, and contribute to the interior's aesthetics. In contrast, exterior barn doors are designed for entryways or large openings that lead outside a building, such as the main entrance or patio. They are meant to provide security, protect against weather conditions, and control access. 

Construction and Materials: Although both interior and exterior barn doors can be crafted from various materials, their construction and durability requirements differ. Interior barn doors are typically lighter in weight and can be constructed using materials like wood, medium-density fiberboard (MDF), or hollow core. Conversely, exterior barn doors must withstand outdoor elements and require sturdier construction. They are commonly made from robust materials such as solid wood, metal, or fiberglass, which offer better insulation and weather resistance. 

Weatherproofing: Exterior barn doors necessitate weatherproofing to safeguard against moisture, temperature fluctuations, and other outdoor elements. They often incorporate weatherstripping, seals, and insulation to prevent drafts, water infiltration, and energy loss. On the other hand, interior barn doors generally do not require the same level of weatherproofing as they are not exposed to the same environmental conditions. 

Hardware: The hardware used for interior and exterior barn doors can vary. Interior barn doors typically utilize hardware systems that prioritize aesthetics and smooth operation. They may feature decorative handles, sliding track systems, and soft-closing mechanisms. Conversely, exterior barn doors necessitate hardware that is more robust and resistant to outdoor elements. This can include heavy-duty tracks, locks, handles, and weather-resistant finishes. 

How long does exterior sliding barn doors last?

The lifespan of exterior sliding barn doors can vary based on several factors, including the quality of materials utilized, the level of maintenance, and the environmental conditions to which they are exposed. However, with appropriate care and upkeep, exterior sliding barn doors can endure for numerous years. 

Exterior sliding barn doors constructed from high-quality and resilient materials such as solid wood, metal, or fiberglass, and installed by professionals, generally exhibit an extended lifespan. These materials are chosen for their capacity to withstand outdoor elements like rain, sunlight, wind, and temperature fluctuations. 

Regular maintenance plays a crucial role in prolonging the lifespan of exterior sliding barn doors. Moreover, the environmental conditions surrounding the installation of these doors can impact their durability. Challenging climates, extreme temperatures, and prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can potentially accelerate the process of deterioration and necessitate more frequent maintenance and repairs.


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