Estimated Delivery Time On Products

Below is a breakdown on our estimated delivery times on a various range of products that we sell throughout our website. These times are accurate to the best of our ability but do not take into account changes to orders after they have been placed, special orders, act of god or any other elements outside of our control. If any of your required products are not listed below please feel free to contact our sales team on or 02035826399 to confirm delivery time.

All delivery eta's are on the assumption that the delivery location is mainland UK only and within a 50 mile radius of our distribution points. We have over 200 distribution points from which to ship from across the UK. Some remote locations in Scotland and Wales can be difficult to service due to their remote locations so it's best to contact us before ordering if delivery is required to these areas or if you feel there are restrictions with access in your area.

In most cases we can service these locations but there may be an additional delivery charge to cover our additional shipping costs to deliver to these locations. As always the customer will be notified in advance of any additional charges and asked if they are happy to proceed.

As soon as an order has been scheduled for delivery you will be notified with a delivery date via email during the coming business days, this email is generally sent out approximately 12 - 36 hours after placing your order excluding weekends and bank holidays.

For items that have a longer lead time than 2 - 4 working days your delivery date notification email may take longer than 12 to 36 hours. Orders are processed for delivery Monday to Friday only between 8.30am and 5.00pm excluding bank holidays.

NOTICE FOR STONE/GLASS WOOL ORDERS 2018: As there's currently a nationwide supply issue with wool material, most wool orders may take an estimated 4 weeks to deliver. This includes the following brands, Rockwool, Knauf, Isover, Superglass, Ursa. In some cases delivery timescales are as listed below and if you need any of these materials within a shorter period of time please feel free to contact our sales team on or 02035826399 to confirm delivery time.


If you wish to check the delivery time of your order on the day of delivery please email and please provide your order number. One of our dispatch team will then give you an eta by email where possible as to when you can expect delivery. Please note this is just an eta only and is not an exact time of delivery as delays can occur from when an order leaves our warehouse to when it arrives with the customer. Build4less will try to be as accurate as possible with given eta's.


Floor Insulation
2 - 4 Days 3 - 5 Days 5 - 7 Days Est 7 - 14 Days
Celotex TB3000, GA3000 GA4000, XR4000 (except for XR4200)   Celotex XR4200   
      Rockwool RockFloor 
    Knauf OmniFit Slab   
Recticel Eurothane GP      
Ecotherm Eco-versal     Ecotherm UFH, Ecotherm Pro-Versal
EPS70   Aerogel  
 Kingspan TF70, K103 *In London/Greater London only*      Kingspan K103, TF70, Styrozone N300R outside London
      Styrozone N300R 
















Cavity Wall Insulation

2 - 4 Days 3 - 5 Days 5 - 7 Days Est 7 - 14 Days
Celotex CW3000, except for CW3075     Celotex CW3075 
      Quinntherm Cavity 
      Recticel Eurothane Cavitywall 
      Ecotherm Eco Cavity  
      Isover CWS Cavity Batt 
      Rockwool Cavity Batt, RW3, RW5
Knauf Dritherm 37, 50mm, 75mm, 100mm, 150mm. Dritherm 32 100mm.     Knauf Dritherm 37, 65mm, 85mm, 125mm. Dritherm 32, 75mm, 85mm, 125mm 
 Kingspan TW50, K108, K106, K12 *In London/Greater London only. Subject to Kingspan stock availability*     Kingspan K108, K106, K12, TW50 outside London
      Cavity Closers  



Wall Insulation

2 - 4 Days 3 - 5 Days 5 - 7 Days Est 7 - 14 Days
Celotex TB3000, GA3000, GA4000, XR4000, PL3000 (except for XR4200 & PL4015)  

 Celotex XR4200, PL4015

Gyproc Thermal       
Recticel Eurothane GP, Recticel Eurothane PL      
Ecotherm Eco-versal      Ecotherm UFH, Pro-Versal
EPS70     Kingspan K12, K112 K15, K118, Styrozone N300R, Optim-R 
Kingspan TW55 *In London/Greater London only*     TW55 outside London 
      Knauf OmniFit, Frametherm, Flexi Slab
  Rockwool Flexi-Slab (Except for any item listed in a pallet quantity)   Rockwool Flexi-Slab, all items listed in pallet quantities. 



Roof Insulation

2 - 4 Days 3 - 5 Days 5 - 7 Days Est 7 - 14 Days
Celotex TB3000, GA3000, GA4000, XR4000 (except for XR4200)    Celotex XR4200,   
Quinntherm    Quinntherm PIR Plywood Laminate   
Recticel Eurothane GP     Recticel Powerdeck, Eurodeck, Plylok
 Ecotherm Eco-Versal    Ecotherm Pro-Versal Ecotherm Eco Deck, Eco Felt, Eco Torch.
 Kingspan TP10, TR26, TR27, K110, K15, K7, K107 *London/Greater London only. Subject to Kingspan stock availability*     Kingspan TP10, TR26, TR27, K7, K107, K110, K15, Styrozone N300R outside London
       Knauf OmniFit, Frametherm, Flexi Slab
      Xtratherm Thin-R, Safe-R 
   Rockwool Flexi-Slab (Except for any item listed in a pallet quantity)   Rockwool Flexi-Slab, all items listed in pallet quantities.







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